Thursday, January 31, 2008

Changes in Burley

There have been many changes in our lives here in burley. The most resent being the foot of snow that has fallen in the last day and a half. But some of the other changes are our ward was dissolved, which means that we were moved into a different ward. Which has its advantages and disadvantages, like I got released from my calling which I loved; I was the Laurel advisor/teacher (16-18 year old girls). But we are adjusting and we really don’t mind going to church at 11am.
As mentioned before, I started school and have been told multiple times that I am crazy. I am taking 20 credits including biology, microbiology, anatomy and physiology, organic and biochemistry, and lastly nutrition. Three of which have weekly three hour labs. I also have to spend about two hours a day in travel time to and from school and work seven hours a week. So far I am doing good, but the first round of test is next week, so wish me luck.
Justin has also decided that due to the snow I am going to have to have my cell phone surgically attached to my ear. On Tuesday night I don’t get off of school until six thirty, well I forgot my phone and when I didn’t get home until seven forty-five. Justin decided that the small blizzard got the better of me and went out looking for a little white car stuck in the snow. He was very upset and worried. But I made it home just fine. I can drive in the snow.


Michele said...

Good luck with the tests. I'm glad those days are behind me! Hard work and long days are good for you:) However, use caution in the snow. You are not invinceable and car accidents do happen, especially to Rands girls.