Friday, July 2, 2010


We have babies, There are four baby birds in our tree out back. This is as close as I could get without making moma bird angery. They are robins.

My baby is now four months old. He is happy most of the time. He loves to talk and is moving all the time.

He loves to jump and is getting really strong.

He does not like to eat baby food at all. He will do it for a while if he is hungery enough but he makes faces like really mom, you want me to do what.

Brock got sick for the first time. He had a stuffy nose that turned into bilateral ear infections. He was so sad. But he is doing much better and had gotten quite good at taking medicine.
Brock also went to Reno for the first time to spend fathers day with his grandpa and to show grandma how big he has gotten. He refused to roll over the whole time he was there. We went to the rodeo and had a great time. Brock just sat there and watched. He really liked the fireworks which should make it interesting on the forth.
Brock all dressed up for Church. He looks so cute in his little suit.


coley said...

Brock's so handsome steph!

Jess,Von, and Samantha Higgs said...

He is such a cutie! You are right he is totally a Rands! He looks just like you! I am so excited for SYTYCD!