Sunday, February 8, 2009

Friends and Family

One of the best things about living so close to Vegas is that people come and visit. We were lucky to get to spend time with many of our friends and family this last month. It started off with a surprise visit from one of my best and oldest friends, Stephanie Rider. She stopped by and we could only convince her to stay for a night but we had a great time catching up. Justin's friend Nike came into town that weekend and he was able to spent some time with him down on the strip. We took a short trip to grandma's where Justin had fun playing with the cousins and I had fun talking with the women. We also got to see two basketball games.

Katy came down right before school started for the both of us. We showed her around the area, but I think that she decided that she liked Bruno more the us. The last week was also packed with visitors, Our friends Chris, Danielle and their two year old son Micheal came for a few days. We enjoyed having people to play with, luckily Micheal was entertained by Bruno and the few toys we have. And then to finish it off, we our friend's parents stay with us for a night. It was a busy month but our house has never been cleaned so often.

School has started off again, and life is a hectic as ever but theres a spare bed and we love having people come by.


Michele said...

I guess Vegas is a little more entertaining than Idaho eh? :)